

recaptcha v3 API支持

什么是“Recaptcha V3”挑战?

reCAPTCHA v3 是 Google 推出的一项新的隐形安全措施。 它添加了验证码,而不强迫用户解决任何挑战。 使用称为“操作”的概念来识别机器人流量中的真实流量。

我们的服务现在支持Google reCAPTCHA v3。这个API与tokens(reCAPTCHA v2) API非常相似,只添加了两个新参数,一个是用于动作的,另一个是用于最小分数的.

recaptcha v3从每个用户返回A 得分,可以评估用户是机器人还是人类。然后,该网站使用得分值的范围从0到1,以决定是否接受请求。较低的分数接近0是机器人。

reCAPTCHA v3的“action”参数是一项额外数据,用于区分不同的验证码验证,例如登录、注册、销售等。请注意。


暂时,价格为 $2.89/1k recaptcha V3挑战正确解决了。据报道,您不会为您的验证验证而被账单。请注意,此定价仅适用于新的recaptcha V3,因此只有使用此特定API的客户才会收取上述费率。

recaptcha v3 API常见问题:

recaptcha v3中的动作是什么?



grecaptcha.execute("6Lc2fhwTAAAAAGatXTzFYfvlQMI2T7B6ji8UVV_f", {action: something})


Recaptcha V3 API中的最低得分是什么?


recaptcha v3 api的帖子参数是什么?
  • username: 您的DBC帐户用户名
  • password: 您的DBC帐户密码
  • type=5: 类型5指定这是recaptcha v3 api
  • token_params=json(payload): 访问recaptcha挑战的数据
  • JSON有效负载结构:
    • proxy: 您的代理URL和凭据(如果有)。例证:
    • proxytype: 您的代理连接协议。有关支持的代理类型,请参见支持哪些代理类型? 示例:
      • HTTP
    • googlekey: 包含Recaptcha的网站的Google Recaptcha网站密钥。有关网站密钥的更多详细信息,请参见什么是Recaptcha网站密钥?示例:
      • 6Le-wvkSAAAAAPBMRTvw0Q4Muexq9bi0DJwx_mJ-
    • pageurl: 页面的URL带有recaptcha挑战。该URL必须包括加载recaptcha的路径。示例:如果您要解决的recaptcha在http://test.com/path1中,则pageurl必须是http://test.com/path1而不是http://test.com。
    • action: 动作名称。
    • min_score: 最低分数,通常为0.3


      "proxy": "",
      "proxytype": "HTTP",
      "googlekey": "6Le-wvkSAAAAAPBMRTvw0Q4Muexq9bi0DJwx_mJ-",
      "pageurl": "http://test.com/path_with_recaptcha",
      "action": "example/action",
      "min_score": 0.3
recaptcha v3 api的响应是什么?


RECAPTCHA V3 API的卷曲用法代码示例:


请注意,我们正在使用类型=“5”作为recaptcha V3 API。

    curl --header 'Expect: ' -F username=your_username_here \
                             -F password=your_password_here \
                             -F type='5' \
                             -F token_params='{"proxy": "http://user:[email protected]:1234",
                                               "proxytype": "HTTP",
                                               "googlekey": "6Lc2fhwTAAAAAGatXTzFYfvlQMI2T7B6ji8UVV_b",
                                               "pageurl": "http://google.com",
                                               "action": "example/action",
                                               "min_score": 0.3}' \

curl -H "Accept: application/json" http://api.dbcapi.me/api/captcha/CAPTCHA_ID
'{"status": 0, "captcha": 2911096,
        "is_correct": true, "text": "textSolution"}'

使用API​​客户端使用recaptcha v3 API:

    # recaptcha_v3
    import deathbycaptcha
    import json

    # Put your DBC account username and password here.
    username = "username"
    password = "password"

    # you can use authtoken instead of user/password combination
    # activate and get the authtoken from DBC users panel
    authtoken = "authtoken"

    # to use socket client
    # client = deathbycaptcha.SocketClient(username, password)

    # to use authtoken
    # client = deathbycaptcha.SocketClient(username, password, authtoken)

    client = deathbycaptcha.HttpClient(username, password)

    # Put the proxy and recaptcha_v3 data
    # recaptcha_v3 requires 'action' that is the action that triggers
    # recaptcha_v3 validation
    # if 'action' isn't provided we use the default value "verify"
    # also you need to provide 'min_score', a number from 0.1 to 0.9,
    # this is the minimum score acceptable from recaptchaV3

    Captcha_dict = {
        'proxy': 'http://user:[email protected]:1234',
        'proxytype': 'HTTP',
        'googlekey': '6Lc2fhwTAAAAAGatXTzFYfvlQMI2T7B6ji8UVV_f',
        'pageurl': 'http://google.com',
        'action': "example/action",
        'min_score': 0.3}

    # Create a json string
    json_Captcha = json.dumps(Captcha_dict)

        balance = client.get_balance()

        # Put your CAPTCHA type and Json payload here:
        captcha = client.decode(type=5, token_params=json_Captcha)
        if captcha:
            # The CAPTCHA was solved; captcha["captcha"] item holds its
            # numeric ID, and captcha["text"] item it's a list of "coordinates".
            print("CAPTCHA %s solved: %s" % (captcha["captcha"], captcha["text"]))

            if '':  # check if the CAPTCHA was incorrectly solved
    except deathbycaptcha.AccessDeniedException:
        # Access to DBC API denied, check your credentials and/or balance
        print("error: Access to DBC API denied, check your credentials and/or balance")

令牌API支持的新Recaptcha v2

什么是“Recaptcha V2”挑战?


为了方便起见,我们支持了Token API对新的Recaptcha的支持。如果您的软件可以使用它,并支持最小配置,则应立即使用Death By Captcha对验证码进行解码。

  • Token Image API: 提供了一个站点URL和站点密钥,API返回一个令牌,您将使用Recaptcha Challenge在页面中提交表格。

我们还支持通过我们的 2captcha api 来解决令牌验证码。一探究竟!


目前,价格为 $2.89/1k代币recaptcha挑战正确解决。您不会因为报道错误解决的令牌图像而被收费。请注意,此定价仅适用于新的令牌recaptcha图像,因此只有使用此特定API的客户才会收取上述费率。


令牌图像API URL是什么?

要使用令牌映像API您必须将http Post请求发送到http://api.dbcapi.me/api/captcha

令牌图像API 的帖子参数是什么?

  • username: 您的DBC帐户用户名
  • password: 您的DBC帐户密码
  • type=4: 类型4指定这是一个新的recaptcha 令牌图像api
  • token_params=json(payload): 访问recaptcha挑战的数据
  • JSON有效负载结构:
    • proxy: 您的代理URL和凭据(如果有)。例证:
    • proxytype: 您的代理连接协议。有关支持的代理类型,请参见支持哪些代理类型? 示例:
      • HTTP
    • googlekey: 具有reCAPTCHA的网站的Google reCAPTCHA网站密钥。有关站点密钥的更多详细信息,请参见什么是reCAPTCHA网站密钥?。示例:
      • 6Le-wvkSAAAAAPBMRTvw0Q4Muexq9bi0DJwx_mJ-
    • pageurl: 页面的URL带有recaptcha挑战。该URL必须包括加载recaptcha的路径。示例:如果您要解决的recaptcha在http://test.com/path1中,则pageurl必须是http://test.com/path1而不是http://test.com。

    • data-s: 此参数仅用于求解Google搜索令牌,即可见的参数,而Google搜索触发机器人保护。使用Google搜索响应HTML中的Data-S值。对于常规令牌,不使用此参数。


      "proxy": "",
      "proxytype": "HTTP",
      "googlekey": "6Le-wvkSAAAAAPBMRTvw0Q4Muexq9bi0DJwx_mJ-",
      "pageurl": "http://test.com/path_with_recaptcha"

可以使用令牌API在Google搜索上解决recaptcha v2吗?

Google搜索验证码,可见的,而Google搜索触发机器人保护。从2020年5月底开始,现在需要一个新的参数data-s来解决这些验证码。在Google搜索中,recaptcha HTML代码找到data-s值,并作为token_params的一部分发送。请注意,data-s值只能加载一次,避免在Google recaptcha表单上加载JS代码。 data-s参数对于每个码头都是唯一的。


  "googlekey": "6Le-wvkSA...",
  "pageurl": "...",
  "data-s": "IUdfh4rh0sd..."






当前,仅支持 http 代理。对其他类型的支持将来会添加。



  1. 访问您要绕过的网站。
  2. 通过执行以下操作之一,打开浏览器的开发人员控制台:
    • 使用浏览器的键盘快捷键(请参阅此链接以寻求帮助)
    • 右键单击页面上的任何位置,单击“检查”或“ Inspect element”选项,然后单击打开的窗口的“控制台”选项卡。
    • 如果上述方法都不起作用,请google 如何打开您的浏览器控制台
  3. 将此 JavaScript 指令粘贴到开发人员控制台上: document.getElementsByClassName('g-recaptcha')[0].getAttribute("data-sitekey");
  4. 按Enter键。结果应该是像Token图片API的POST参数是什么?问题中GoogleKey部分用作示例的字符串。此字符串是网站密钥。


我们可以找到检查元素或查看页面源代码并搜索名称的Data-SiteKey。 data-sitekey localization example





  1. 将令牌作为元素的内部HTML,上面有ID"g-recaptcha-response"。
    • 要使用JavaScript执行此操作,请运行:document.getElementById(`g-recaptcha-response`).innerHTML = TOKEN;,其中TOKEN是API响应的text键返回的字符串。如果返回的字符串还没有双引号("),请在令牌之前和之后放置双引号。
  2. 提交表格或填写需要解决recaptcha的诉讼。
    • 要使用JavaScript实现此目的,请执行:document.getElementById(`FORM_ID`).submit();其中FORM_ID是要提交的表单的ID。
    • 有时不够仅提交表格解决recaptcha,在这些情况下,我们需要将结果令牌从API复制到G-Recaptcha-Response元素中,因此只需小心才能应对确切的结果令牌,并避免使用空间和其他空间和其他字符,例如引号或双引号。将结果令牌复制到元素之后,我们需要将小部件事件激活为验证码,以将其标记为已解决。
    • successfully solved reCAPTCHA
    • 每个站点都有一种实现recaptcha的独特方法,建议在尝试自动化它之前手动进行新站点的过程,在我们确定解决recaptcha的所有步骤之后,我们可以使用我们的工具来自动化该过程。我们考虑到有时提交表格会激活recaptcha,有时我们没有提交表格,或者在其他情况下是验证码的回调,该回调激活了事件以访问资源。






        grecaptcha.render('example', {
          'sitekey' : 'site-key',
          'callback' : myFunction


所有的网站都会以自己的方式实施recaptcha,这意味着我们需要分析每个网站的recaptcha实现,然后再尝试使用结果令牌。一旦我们确定了这个特定网站是如何工作的,我们就可以像普通用户一样解决reCAPTCHA挑战,并获得对其实现的深入了解。然后我们可以开始手动尝试使用API生成结果令牌,在确保程序正确之后才能进行自动化。为了确保如何使用recaptcha,我们可以查看reCAPTCHA v2文档。(英文)


转到上一个提交上传验证码后,然后检查上传验证码的“代理”和“提供的代理状态”字段。如果您的代理用于求解验证码,则“代理”字段值将是您的代理IP地址,并且“提供的代理状态”将是“好”。如果不使用它,则“代理”将具有“ DBC代理”为值(这意味着使用我们的代理之一解决验证码)和“提供的代理状态”字段值将是“不良或未提供”。示例屏幕截图:

Example screenshot of Provided Proxy Status in Previous Submissions section




    curl --header 'Expect: ' -F username=your_username_here \
                             -F password=your_password_here \
                             -F type='4' \
                             -F token_params='{"proxy": "http://user:[email protected]:1234",
                                               "proxytype": "HTTP",
                                               "googlekey": "6Lc2fhwTAAAAAGatXTzFYfvlQMI2T7B6ji8UVV_b",
                                               "pageurl": "http://google.com"}' \

curl -H "Accept: application/json" http://api.dbcapi.me/api/captcha/CAPTCHA_ID
'{"status": 0, "captcha": 2911096,
        "is_correct": true, "text": "textToken"}'

与API客户端一起使用令牌image API:

     * Death by Captcha PHP API recaptcha_v2 usage example
     * @package DBCAPI
     * @subpackage PHP

     * DBC API clients
    require_once '../deathbycaptcha.php';

    $username = "username";  // DBC account username
    $password = "password";  // DBC account password
    $token_from_panel = "your-token-from-panel";  // DBC account authtoken

    // Use DeathByCaptcha_SocketClient() class if you want to use SOCKET API.
    $client = new DeathByCaptcha_HttpClient($username, $password);
    $client->is_verbose = true;

    // To use token the first parameter must be authtoken.
    // $client = new DeathByCaptcha_HttpClient("authtoken", $token_from_panel);

    echo "Your balance is {$client->balance} US cents\n";

    // To use recaptcha_Token
    // Set the proxy and reCaptcha token data
    $data = array(
         'proxy' => 'http://user:[email protected]:1234',
         'proxytype' => 'HTTP',
        'googlekey' => '6Le-wvkSAAAAAPBMRTvw0Q4Muexq9bi0DJwx_mJ-',
        'pageurl' => 'https://www.google.com/recaptcha/api2/demo'
    //Create a json string
    $json = json_encode($data);

    //Put the type and the json payload
    $extra = [
        'type' => 4,
        'token_params' => $json,

    // Put null the first parameter and add the extra payload
    if ($captcha = $client->decode(null, $extra)) {
        echo "CAPTCHA {$captcha['captcha']} uploaded\n";


        // Poll for CAPTCHA indexes:
        if ($text = $client->get_text($captcha['captcha'])) {
            echo "CAPTCHA {$captcha['captcha']} solved: {$text}\n";

            // Report an incorrectly solved CAPTCHA.
            // Make sure the CAPTCHA was in fact incorrectly solved!

    import deathbycaptcha
    import json

    # Put your DBC account username and password here.
    username = "username"
    password = "password"

    # you can use authtoken instead of user/password combination
    # activate and get the authtoken from DBC users panel
    authtoken = "authtoken"

    # to use socket client
    # client = deathbycaptcha.SocketClient(username, password)

    # to use authtoken
    # client = deathbycaptcha.SocketClient(username, password, authtoken)

    client = deathbycaptcha.HttpClient(username, username)

    # Put the proxy and recaptcha_v2 data
    Captcha_dict = {
        'proxy': 'http://user:[email protected]:1234',
        'proxytype': 'HTTP',
        'googlekey': '6Le-wvkSAAAAAPBMRTvw0Q4Muexq9bi0DJwx_mJ-',
        'pageurl': 'https://www.google.com/recaptcha/api2/demo'}
    # Create a json string
    json_Captcha = json.dumps(Captcha_dict)

        balance = client.get_balance()

        # Put your CAPTCHA type and Json payload here:
        captcha = client.decode(type=4, token_params=json_Captcha)
        if captcha:
            # The CAPTCHA was solved; captcha["captcha"] item holds its
            # numeric ID, and captcha["text"] item it's a text token".
            print("CAPTCHA %s solved: %s" % (captcha["captcha"], captcha["text"]))

            if '':  # check if the CAPTCHA was incorrectly solved
    except deathbycaptcha.AccessDeniedException:
        # Access to DBC API denied, check your credentials and/or balance
        print("error: Access to DBC API denied, check your credentials and/or balance")


import com.DeathByCaptcha.AccessDeniedException;
import com.DeathByCaptcha.Client;
import com.DeathByCaptcha.HttpClient;
import com.DeathByCaptcha.SocketClient;
import com.DeathByCaptcha.Captcha;
import org.json.JSONObject;

import java.io.IOException;

class ExampleRecaptchaV2 {
    public static void main(String[] args)
            throws Exception {

        // Put your DBC username & password or authtoken here:
        String username = "your_username_here";
        String password = "your_password_here";
        String authtoken = "your_authtoken_here";

        /* Death By Captcha Socket Client
           Client client = (Client) (new SocketClient(username, password));
           Death By Captcha http Client */
        Client client = (Client) (new HttpClient(username, password));
        client.isVerbose = true;

        /* Using authtoken
           Client client = (Client) new HttpClient(authtoken); */

        try {
            try {
                System.out.println("Your balance is " + client.getBalance() + " US cents");
            } catch (IOException e) {
                System.out.println("Failed fetching balance: " + e.toString());

            Captcha captcha = null;
            try {
                // Proxy and reCAPTCHA v2 token data
                String proxy = "http://user:[email protected]:1234";
                String proxytype = "http";
                String googlekey = "6Lc2fhwTAAAAAGatXTzFYfvlQMI2T7B6ji8UVV_f";
                String pageurl = "http://google.com";
                /* Upload a reCAPTCHA v2 and poll for its status with 120 seconds timeout.
                   Put the token params and timeout (in seconds)
                   0 or nothing for the default timeout value. */
                captcha = client.decode(proxy, proxytype, googlekey, pageurl);

                //other method is to send a json with the parameters
                JSONObject json_params = new JSONObject();
                json_params.put("proxy", proxy);
                json_params.put("proxytype", proxytype);
                json_params.put("googlekey", googlekey);
                json_params.put("pageurl", pageurl);
                captcha = client.decode(4, json_params);
            } catch (IOException e) {
                System.out.println("Failed uploading CAPTCHA");

            if (null != captcha) {
                System.out.println("CAPTCHA " + captcha.id + " solved: " + captcha.text);

                // Report incorrectly solved CAPTCHA if necessary.
                // Make sure you've checked if the CAPTCHA was in fact incorrectly
                // solved, or else you might get banned as abuser.
                /*try {
                    if (client.report(captcha)) {
                        System.out.println("Reported as incorrectly solved");
                    } else {
                        System.out.println("Failed reporting incorrectly solved CAPTCHA");
                } catch (IOException e) {
                    System.out.println("Failed reporting incorrectly solved CAPTCHA: " + e.toString());
            } else {
                System.out.println("Failed solving CAPTCHA");
        } catch (com.DeathByCaptcha.Exception e) {


using System;
using System.Collections;
using DeathByCaptcha;

namespace DBC_Examples.examples
    public class RecaptchaV2Example
        public void Main()
            // Put your DeathByCaptcha account username and password here.
            string username = "your username";
            string password = "your password";
            // string token_from_panel = "your-token-from-panel";

            /* Death By Captcha Socket Client
               Client client = (Client) new SocketClient(username, password);
               Death By Captcha http Client */
            Client client = (Client) new HttpClient(username, password);

            /* To use token authentication the first parameter must be "authtoken".
            Client client = (Client) new HttpClient("authtoken", token_from_panel); */

            // Put your Proxy credentials and type here
            string proxy = "http://user:[email protected]:1234";
            string proxyType = "HTTP";
            string googlekey = "6Lc2fhwTAAAAAGatXTzFYfvlQMI2T7B6ji8UVV_b";
            string pageurl = "http://google.com";

            string tokenParams = "{\"proxy\": \"" + proxy + "\"," +
                                 "\"proxytype\": \"" + proxyType + "\"," +
                                 "\"googlekey\": \"" + googlekey + "\"," +
                                 "\"pageurl\": \"" + pageurl + "\"}";

                double balance = client.GetBalance();

                /* Upload a CAPTCHA and poll for its status.  Put the Token CAPTCHA
                   Json payload, CAPTCHA type and desired solving timeout (in seconds)
                   here. If solved, you'll receive a DeathByCaptcha.Captcha object. */
                Captcha captcha = client.Decode(Client.DefaultTimeout,
                    new Hashtable()
                        {"type", 4},
                        {"token_params", tokenParams}

                if (null != captcha)
                    /* The CAPTCHA was solved; captcha.Id property holds
                    its numeric ID, and captcha.Text holds its text. */
                    Console.WriteLine("CAPTCHA {0} solved: {1}", captcha.Id,

//                  if ( /* check if the CAPTCHA was incorrectly solved */)
//                  {
//                      client.Report(captcha);
//                  }
            catch (AccessDeniedException e)
                /* Access to DBC API denied, check your credentials and/or balance */
                Console.WriteLine("<<< catch : " + e.ToString());

Imports DeathByCaptcha

Public Class RecaptchaV2
    Sub Main(args As String())

        ' Put your DBC username & password or authtoken here:
        Dim username = "username"
        Dim password = "password"
        Dim token_from_panel = "your-token-from-panel"

        ' DBC Socket API client
        ' Dim client As New SocketClient(username, password)
        ' DBC HTTP API client
        Dim client As New HttpClient(username, password)

        ' To use token auth the first parameter must be "authtoken"
        ' Dim client As New HttpClient("authtoken", token_from_panel)

        ' Proxy and recaptcha_v2 token data
        Dim proxy = "http://user:[email protected]:1234"
        Dim proxyType = "HTTP"
        Dim googlekey = "6Lc2fhwTAAAAAGatXTzFYfvlQMI2T7B6ji8UVV_b"
        Dim pageurl = "http://google.com"

        Console.WriteLine(String.Format("Your balance is {0,2:f} US cents",

        ' Create a JSON with the extra data
        Dim tokenParams = "{""proxy"": """ + proxy + """," +
                          """proxytype"": """ + proxyType + """," +
                          """googlekey"": """ + googlekey + """," +
                          """pageurl"": """ + pageurl + """}"

        '  Create the payload with the type and the extra data
        Dim extraData As New Hashtable()
        extraData.Add("type", 4)
        extraData.Add("token_params", tokenParams)

        ' Upload a CAPTCHA and poll for its status.  Put the Token CAPTCHA
        ' Json payload, CAPTCHA type and desired solving timeout (in seconds)
        ' here. If solved, you'll receive a DeathByCaptcha.Captcha object.
        Dim captcha As Captcha = client.Decode(DeathByCaptcha.Client.DefaultTimeout, extraData)
        If captcha IsNot Nothing Then
            Console.WriteLine(String.Format("CAPTCHA {0:d} solved: {1}", captcha.Id,

            ' Report an incorrectly solved CAPTCHA.
            ' Make sure the CAPTCHA was in fact incorrectly solved, do not
            ' just report it at random, or you might be banned as abuser.
            ' If client.Report(captcha) Then
            '    Console.WriteLine("Reported as incorrectly solved")
            ' Else
            '    Console.WriteLine("Failed reporting as incorrectly solved")
            ' End If
        End If
    End Sub
End Class

' this script uses DeCaptcher API, to use this API first we need to opt-in our user
' in the following URL http://deathbycaptcha.com/user/api/decaptcher
' Is recomended to read the FAQ in that page

' this script can use authentication token instead of username/password combination
' to use this API with authentication token, first we need enable token authentication
' on users panel authentication on users panel when using authentication token the username
' must be the keyword authtoken and the password is the authentication token from users panel

' we need to set a timeout to wait for the captcha solution
' the script go to this URL to use the API
URL GOTO=http://api.dbcapi.me/decaptcher?function=token&print_format=html
' Set our username, need to replace {{}} with username, ex.
' TAG POS=1 TYPE=INPUT:TEXT FORM=ACTION:http://api.dbcapi.me/decaptcher
'                             ATTR=NAME:username CONTENT=myusername
TAG POS=1 TYPE=INPUT:TEXT FORM=ACTION:http://api.dbcapi.me/decaptcher
                                ATTR=NAME:username CONTENT={{username}}
' replace password with our password, ex.
' TAG POS=1 TYPE=INPUT:TEXT FORM=ACTION:http://api.dbcapi.me/decaptcher
'                           ATTR=NAME:password CONTENT=mycurrentpassword
TAG POS=1 TYPE=INPUT:TEXT FORM=ACTION:http://api.dbcapi.me/decaptcher
                            ATTR=NAME:password CONTENT={{password}}
' here we set our proxy, ex.
' TAG POS=1 TYPE=INPUT:TEXT FORM=ACTION:http://api.dbcapi.me/decaptcher
'    ATTR=NAME:proxy CONTENT=https://proxy_username:proxy_password@proxy_url:proxy_port
' we need to use this proxy format https://proxy_username:proxy_password@proxy_url:proxy_port
TAG POS=1 TYPE=INPUT:TEXT FORM=ACTION:http://api.dbcapi.me/decaptcher
                                            ATTR=NAME:proxy CONTENT={{proxy}}
' here we set the proxy type ex.
' TAG POS=1 TYPE=INPUT:TEXT FORM=ACTION:http://api.dbcapi.me/decaptcher
'                                           ATTR=NAME:proxytype CONTENT=http
TAG POS=1 TYPE=INPUT:TEXT FORM=ACTION:http://api.dbcapi.me/decaptcher ATTR=NAME:proxytype
' here we set the googlekey
' for information about googlekey, look here
' http://deathbycaptcha.com/user/api/newtokenrecaptcha#what-site-key
TAG POS=1 TYPE=INPUT:TEXT FORM=ACTION:http://api.dbcapi.me/decaptcher ATTR=NAME:googlekey
' here we set the site that have the token recaptcha challenge, ex.
' TAG POS=1 TYPE=INPUT:TEXT FORM=ACTION:http://api.dbcapi.me/decaptcher ATTR=NAME:pageurl
TAG POS=1 TYPE=INPUT:TEXT FORM=ACTION:http://api.dbcapi.me/decaptcher ATTR=NAME:pageurl
' we submit the captcha to solve
TAG POS=1 TYPE=INPUT:SUBMIT FORM=ACTION:http://api.dbcapi.me/decaptcher ATTR=VALUE:Send

' and we get our result

* Death by Captcha Node.js API recaptcha_v2 token image usage example

const dbc = require('../deathbycaptcha');

const username = 'username';     // DBC account username
const password = 'password';     // DBC account password
const token_from_panel = 'your-token-from-panel';   // DBC account authtoken

// Proxy and recaptcha_v2 token data
const token_params = JSON.stringify({
    'proxy': 'http://username:[email protected]:3128',
    'proxytype': 'HTTP',
    'googlekey': '6Le-wvkSAAAAAPBMRTvw0Q4Muexq9bi0DJwx_mJ-',
    'pageurl': 'https://www.google.com/recaptcha/api2/demo'

// Death By Captcha Socket Client
// const client = new dbc.SocketClient(username, password);
// Death By Captcha http Client
const client = new dbc.HttpClient(username, password);

// To use token authentication the first parameter must be "authtoken"
// const client = new dbc.HttpClient("authtoken", token_from_panel);

// Get user balance
client.get_balance((balance) => {

// Solve captcha with type 4 & token_params extra arguments
client.decode({extra: {type: 4, token_params: token_params}}, (captcha) => {

    if (captcha) {
        console.log('Captcha ' + captcha['captcha'] + ' solved: ' + captcha['text']);

        * Report an incorrectly solved CAPTCHA.
        * Make sure the CAPTCHA was in fact incorrectly solved!
        * client.report(captcha['captcha'], (result) => {
        *   console.log('Report status: ' + result);
        * });



地位: OK

  • 平均求解时间
  • 1 秒 - Normal CAPTCHAs (1分钟。前)
  • 30 秒 - reCAPTCHA V2, V3, etc (1分钟。前)
  • 14 秒 - hCAPTCHA & 其他的 (1分钟。前)
Chrome and Firefox logos


  1. Apr 26: RESOLVED - The deathbycaptcha.com website (the frontend - the API has remained and remains fully functional ) has been sporadically unavailable since approx. April 25th, due to network issues with some of our server provider(s). While we resolve this, to access the service and buy packages, you can access https://deathbycaptcha.me/. If your package is not automatically added to your DBC.com account as usual, just contact us ([email protected]) with your order details and we'll have it credited in less than 16hrs. Our support channels (https://deathbycaptcha.me/en/contact) will remain open to assist you with any questions or concerns you may have. We sincerely appreciate your patience and understanding during this challenging time. Thank you for your continued support.
  2. Feb 26: NEW TYPE ADDED - Now supporting Friendly CAPTCHA!! See the details at https://deathbycaptcha.com/api/friendly
  3. Nov 22: Now supporting Amazon WAF!! See the details at https://deathbycaptcha.com/api/amazonwaf

  4. 之前的更新…


我们的系统设计为完全用户友好且易于使用。如果您有任何问题,只需发送电子邮件至DBC 技术支持电子邮件com,支持代理将尽快与您联系。


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