
May, 2011

May, 05: We experienced hardware problems at 5:00 PM EST. We recovered the system in 2 hours.

May, 03: We faced capacity problems on May 2th and May 3rd due to festivities in our Human Solver's countries. On May 3rd we also faced some DataBase problems that resulted in service downtime during afternoon hours.

March, 2011

Mar, 16: API Client version 4 released for .NET, C, Java, PHP 5+, Perl 5+, Python v2.5+, CLI and MyAdTools Plugin. Updated polling method to secure a faster response time from server.

Mar, 03: We experienced downtime approximately between 2:15pm and 2:30pm EST due to an unscheduled critical update. We apologize for the inconvenience.

January, 2011

Jan, 12: We experienced downtime approximately between 3pm and 5:30pm EST due to an unscheduled critical update.

December, 2010

Dec, 29: We made a Security update which resulted in a partial DNS outage.

Dec, 16: Between 3:30pm and 6:40pm EST, a DNS problem caused intermittent outages for some clients, thus generating a temporary outage for some, and brief intermittent overload for others.

Dec, 10: New AutoIT API Client Released

Dec, 08: @3:15pm EST we had a technical issue that caused an outage for approximately 10 minutes. As of 3:25pm EST everything has been running normal again. We sincerely apologize for the inconvenience.

September, 2010

Sep, 02: Rolled out new design.

地位: OK

  • 平均求解时间
  • 3 秒 - Normal CAPTCHAs (1分钟。前)
  • 39 秒 - reCAPTCHA V2, V3, etc (1分钟。前)
  • 77 秒 - hCAPTCHA & 其他的 (1分钟。前)
Chrome and Firefox logos


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